RFP Distribution

Use the RFP Distribution Form if you are seeking security services for your business or event and have already prepared the RFP document.  Through completion of the form will assist us in getting timely responses to your security request for proposal (RFP).  If have not gotten that far along with your project plans, please use our Security Vendor Search Form and we will assist you in further search steps.

Advance Preparation

A little advance preparation before submitting your RFP is very important.  Below is a list of what you will need to have ready in order to complete steps of the security RFP submission process:

  • your contact Information, RFP #, RFP title, issue date, and due date
  • project purpose/objective, background, project description/ scope of work
  • deliverables and procurement timeline
  • your project budget
  • need for a site visit is mandatory, if security clearance is needed, include the levels
  • format for the RFP response
  • upload any files or documents such as the actual RFP, images, floor plans, etc
    • you may upload up to five files each under 25MB in size and in .pdf, .doc, or .docx, .png, .jpg, gif
    • if your RFP file is larger than 25MB, contact us by phone before submitting for alternative submission instructions

Once your files and information is submitted through our system, our staff will review and process it for distribution to members.

The more complete your submission, the higher quality security proposals you will receive and the less time you will spend fielding questions.  Our goal is to find the most qualified security provider to fit your project needs.